You make a terrarium for your school’s science fair by putting some soil into a glass container and adding small plants. You moisten the soil with water and add a slug. You cover the terrarium with clear plastic that has vent holes. Then, you place the terrarium in a sunlit window.

Explain how the soil, plants, slug, sunlight, and plastic affect the air inside your terrarium.

The soil, plants, and slug will all contribute to the air inside the terrarium by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. The sunlight will help the plants to photosynthesize, which will also contribute to the oxygen levels in the terrarium. The plastic will help to keep the air inside the terrarium warm and humid, which will be beneficial for the plants and slug. The vent holes will allow for some air exchange, which will help to keep the oxygen levels balanced.

The soil in the terrarium plays a crucial role in maintaining the air quality inside. Soil contains microorganisms that break down organic matter, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) as a byproduct. The plants in the terrarium use CO2 during photosynthesis and convert it into oxygen (O2). This process helps replenish the oxygen levels in the air, ensuring a suitable environment for the organisms inside.

The presence of plants also affects the humidity levels inside the terrarium. During transpiration, plants release water vapor into the air, increasing the moisture content. This moist environment is essential for the survival of the slug and other organisms inside.

The slug contributes to the air in the terrarium by its respiration process. Slugs, like other organisms, inhale oxygen and release CO2 during respiration. This exchange of gases influences the overall composition of the air inside the terrarium.

Sunlight is a vital factor that affects the air inside the terrarium. When the terrarium is placed in a sunlit window, the plants undergo photosynthesis at an increased rate. This leads to the production of more oxygen, helping to maintain a healthy balance of gases in the air.

The clear plastic cover with vent holes plays a crucial role in regulating the air inside the terrarium. The plastic cover helps to trap moisture and heat inside the terrarium, creating a controlled environment. The vent holes allow for the exchange of gases, ensuring a balance of oxygen and CO2 levels within.

In summary, the soil, plants, slug, sunlight, and plastic cover all contribute to the air inside the terrarium. The soil provides nutrients and microorganisms that support plant growth and oxygen production. The plants release oxygen, utilize CO2, and induce humidity. The slug contributes to the respiratory gases. Sunlight promotes photosynthesis and oxygen production. The plastic cover with vent holes helps maintain a balanced and controlled environment inside the terrarium.

The soil in the terrarium plays a crucial role in the air inside the terrarium by acting as a medium for the plants to grow. The plants depend on the soil for anchorage, water, and nutrients. Through a process called photosynthesis, plants produce oxygen and release it into the air. Oxygen is essential for the survival of living organisms, including the slug and any other organisms inside the terrarium.

The slug also plays a role in affecting the air inside the terrarium. Like all living organisms, the slug requires oxygen to survive. It breathes through its skin, taking in oxygen from the surrounding air. As the slug breathes in oxygen, it also releases carbon dioxide, which is a waste product of cell respiration. Increased levels of carbon dioxide inside the terrarium can affect the composition of the air and potentially impact the balance of gases.

Sunlight is another crucial factor in the terrarium. The plants inside the terrarium undergo photosynthesis, a process in which sunlight is converted into chemical energy. During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen. Sunlight also provides warmth to the terrarium, helping maintain suitable temperature conditions for the plants and other organisms.

The clear plastic covering with vent holes affects the air inside the terrarium in a couple of ways. Firstly, it creates a closed environment, trapping the air and moisture inside. This can lead to an increase in humidity levels within the terrarium, which can be beneficial for the plants. However, it is important to have vent holes in the plastic cover to allow for gas exchange with the external environment. The vent holes allow carbon dioxide released by the organisms inside the terrarium to be exchanged with fresh oxygen from the external environment, maintaining a healthy balance of gases.

In summary, the soil provides essential nutrients for the plants, which then produce oxygen through photosynthesis. The slug and other organisms inside the terrarium also contribute to the air composition by consuming oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Sunlight provides energy for photosynthesis and warmth. The plastic covering helps maintain humidity levels while the vent holes allow for gas exchange, ensuring a healthy balance of gases inside the terrarium.