67 4/7 - 17

How do do this one? Do I need to bother because the fraction has nothing to subtract with but the whole numbers do

You are right, you could just take 67-17 , then tack on the 4/7

= 50 4/7

On the other hand if you had

67 - (17 4/7) then you would have to take common denominators , etc

4/7 - 0 = 4/7

67 4/7 - 17 = 50 4/7

To subtract mixed numbers, you first subtract the whole numbers and then subtract the fractions separately.

In this case, you have 67 4/7 (a mixed number) and you need to subtract 17 (a whole number).

To start, subtract the whole numbers: 67 - 17 = 50.

Next, subtract the fractions: 4/7.

Since the fraction 4/7 cannot be directly subtracted from 17, we need to represent 17 as a fraction with the same denominator as 7.

To do this, multiply the whole number (17) by the denominator of the fraction (7) and add the numerator (0) of the fraction.

17 * 7 = 119

Now, write 17 as a fraction with the same denominator as 7:

17 = 119/7

So the equation becomes:

67 4/7 - 119/7

Now, subtract the fractions by using the common denominator of 7:

67 4/7 - 119/7 = (67*7 + 4)/7 - 119/7

= (469 + 4)/7 - 119/7

= 473/7 - 119/7

= (473 - 119)/7

= 354/7

= 50 and 4/7

Therefore, 67 4/7 - 17 = 50 and 4/7.