What revision will correct the sentence?

"Welcome," the announcer began.
"to our fifth annual competition!"

A. The word the should be capitalized.
B. The period after began should be changed to a comma.
C. The word to should be capitalized.
D. No revision is needed.

i think it's A but i just want to make sure :)

try (B)

then the sentence can continue.

To determine the correct revision, we need to analyze the sentence provided: "Welcome," the announcer began. "to our fifth annual competition!"

Option A suggests that the word "the" should be capitalized. However, in this context, "the" is not a proper noun or the beginning of a new sentence, so it does not need to be capitalized.

Option B suggests changing the period after "began" to a comma. This revision is correct because the second part of the sentence is a continuation of the announcer's statement.

Option C suggests capitalizing the word "to." However, in this context, "to" is a preposition and does not need to be capitalized.

Option D suggests that no revision is needed. However, option B is the correct revision because it changes the period to a comma, improving the flow of the sentence and connecting the two parts smoothly.

Therefore, the correct revision is B.