A boy is riding a skateboard. Why does the skateboard have the ability to do work?

because it can slow down

because it can change direction

because the force applied by the rider acts in the same direction as the motion of the skateboard

because the force applied by the rider acts in the opposite direction as the motion of the skateboard

My answer is D.

See previous post.

the answer is D periodttt

Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is C.

To understand why the skateboard has the ability to do work, we need to understand what work actually is. In physics, work is defined as the transfer of energy that results in the displacement of an object in the same direction as the force applied.

In this scenario, the force being applied to the skateboard is the force applied by the rider. As the rider pushes the skateboard forward, the force is acting in the same direction as the motion of the skateboard. This means that the force is doing positive work on the skateboard, transferring energy to it and causing it to move.

Option C states that the force applied by the rider acts in the same direction as the motion of the skateboard, which aligns with our understanding of work. This is why Option C is the correct answer.