new flat- screen TVs flash even faster than older TVs. Since dogs need a flicker frequency rate of 75, DOGTV works as intended only on newer TVs. One type of new Tv flashes 500 frames each second. How many more frames does it flash than an older TV with a flicker frequency rate of 690 in p seconds? On a separate piece of paper, show how you created your expression and explain your work. please give me the answer and show me how to do it or figure out the problem.

To calculate how many more frames the new TV flashes compared to the older TV, we can start by finding the number of frames the older TV flashes in p seconds using its flicker frequency rate.

The older TV has a flicker frequency rate of 690, meaning it flashes 690 frames every second. Therefore, in p seconds, it will flash 690 * p frames.

Now, we can determine the number of frames the new TV flashes in p seconds. The new TV flashes at a rate of 500 frames per second, so in p seconds, it will flash 500 * p frames.

To find the difference, we subtract the number of frames of the older TV from the number of frames of the new TV:

Difference = (500 * p) - (690 * p)

Simplifying this expression, we have:

Difference = 500p - 690p
Difference = -190p

So, the new TV flashes 190 frames less than the older TV every second.

To find the total number of frames flashed by the new TV compared to the older TV in p seconds, we multiply the difference by p:

Total Frames = Difference * p
Total Frames = -190p * p
Total Frames = -190p^2

Therefore, the new TV flashes -190p^2 more frames than the older TV.

Note: The negative sign indicates that the new TV flashes fewer frames compared to the older TV.