How do you simplify [(3-5)+3✖8]➗4[8-4➗2(7+1)]

[(3-5)+3*8]/4[8-4/2(7+1)] =

]-2+24]/4[-8] = (22/4) * (-8) = -44.


To simplify the given expression, follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right). Let's break down the steps:

Step 1: Simplify everything inside the innermost parentheses.
Inside the parentheses (7+1), the addition operation gives us 8.

Step 2: Simplify any multiplication or division from left to right.
Next, let's tackle the multiplication in the expression 3✖8. Multiply these two numbers to get 24.

Step 3: Continue solving multiplication or division from left to right.
Now, let's solve the division operation in the expression 8-4➗2. Divide 4 by 2 to get 2.

Step 4: Simplify any addition or subtraction from left to right.
Next, subtract 5 from 3, which gives us -2.

Step 5: Perform the remaining addition and subtraction.
Based on the operations performed so far, our expression becomes: (-2 + 24) ➗ 4(8-2(8)). Simplify the subtraction in (-2 + 24) to get 22.

Step 6: Continue performing any remaining multiplication or division from left to right.
Now we need to tackle the expression 2(8). Multiply 2 by 8 to get 16.

Step 7: Solve any remaining multiplication or division.
In the expression 4(8-16), start by evaluating the subtraction operation within the parentheses. Subtract 16 from 8 to get -8. Then multiply that result by 4: 4(-8) equals -32.

Step 8: Simplify the final expression.
Now, substitute the computed values into the expression: 22 ➗ -32. Dividing 22 by -32 gives us -0.6875.

Therefore, the simplified value of [(3-5)+3✖8]➗4[8-4➗2(7+1)] is -0.6875.