Write < or > to make a true sentence

1.18 23

2.-9 -1

3.-3 -5

4.8 -2

5.6 -3

6.0 8

7.6 -7

8.-23 -16


Order each set of integers from least to greatest

9.10,-5,3 16,-1,0,1




All are correct.

Thank you

You're welcome.

To determine whether the statement is true or false, we need to compare the numbers and see which one is greater or lesser.

In the first question, we have 1.18 and 23. To compare them, we can simply look at the values. 1.18 is less than 23, so the correct answer is < (less than).

In the second question, we have -9 and -1. Similarly, we see that -9 is less than -1, so the correct answer is < (less than).

In the third question, we have -3 and -5. Here, -3 is greater than -5, so the correct answer is > (greater than).

In the fourth question, we have 8 and -2. Clearly, 8 is greater than -2, so the correct answer is > (greater than).

In the fifth question, we have 6 and -3. 6 is greater than -3, so the correct answer is > (greater than).

In the sixth question, we have 0 and 8. In this case, 0 is less than 8, so the correct answer is < (less than).

In the seventh question, we have 6 and -7. 6 is greater than -7, so the correct answer is > (greater than).

In the eighth question, we have -23 and -16. Here, -23 is less than -16, so the correct answer is < (less than).