Tenencia is thinking of a number with 8 place values.The digit in The thousand place is 5.The digits in The hundred thousands and hundreds place are both an odd number greater than 7. The digit in each other place value is one less than The digit in The thousands place.What is The number?

_ _, _ _ _, _ _ _

_ _, 9 _ 5, 9 _ _

Can you figure out the last step?



To find the number Tenencia is thinking of, we need to analyze the given information.

1. The digit in the thousands place is 5.
2. The digits in the hundred thousands and hundreds place are both odd numbers greater than 7.
3. The digit in each other place value is one less than the digit in the thousands place.

Now let's go step by step to determine the number.

1. The digit in the thousands place is 5. This means the number has the form _ _ _ _ 5 _ _ _.

2. The digits in the hundred thousands and hundreds place are both odd numbers greater than 7. The only odd numbers greater than 7 that could fit here are 9 and 11 (since 7 + 2 = 9 and 7 + 4 = 11). So, the number now has the form _ 11 5 9 5 _ _ _.

3. The digit in each other place value is one less than the digit in the thousands place. Since the digit in the thousands place is 5, the remaining placeholder digits should be 1 less than 5, which is 4.

Putting it all together, the number Tenencia is thinking of is:

_ 11 5 9 5 4 4 4