A restaurant offers 12 types of entrees, 6 types of appetizers, and 4 types of rice.How many meals of appetizer, entree, and rice are there?

What is 6x12x4 ??

thank you

To determine the number of possible meals with an appetizer, entree, and rice, we need to find the combinations of options for each category and multiply them together.

- Number of appetizers: 6
- Number of entrees: 12
- Number of rice types: 4

To calculate the total number of possible meals, you can use the multiplication principle, which states that the number of possible outcomes is the product of the number of options for each category.

Number of meals = Number of appetizers × Number of entrees × Number of rice types

Number of meals = 6 × 12 × 4

Number of meals = 288

Therefore, there are 288 possible meals with an appetizer, entree, and rice at this restaurant.