Can you please recommend a book that is not of the fantasy/ fiction genre? I am trying to read a book outside of my comfort level, but I don't necessarily want to read something that I'll dislike. Do you know of any good books that could possibly work for me?


Please tell us your grade level and interests. Do you want a nonfiction book -- or do you want fiction that is not fantasy?

We'll try to help you if we know more about you.

However, your librarian can probably help you the most.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You might like to read a biography of a famous person you like.

I am in 9th grade. I love books like Harry Potter, Eragon, Eldest, Lord of the Rings, ... just fantasy/ fiction in general. Either nonfiction or fiction that's not fantasy would be fine, yes. Thanks

This site may help you. I really enjoyed the first book, The House on Mango Street.

Thanks for the idea. I'll take it into consideration.

Thanks very much for your help.

You're welcome.

Maybe The book I read called A Companion To Wolves.

Of course! If you're looking for a book outside of the fantasy/fiction genre, there are plenty of other options to explore. One approach that might work for you is to venture into the realm of non-fiction. Non-fiction books cover a wide range of topics, including history, science, biography, self-help, philosophy, and more. To recommend a book that aligns with your interests, it would be helpful to know what kind of subjects or themes you are interested in exploring. Could you provide some information about your specific interests?

In the absence of specific preferences, a popular and highly regarded non-fiction book is "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari. It combines history, anthropology, and sociology to provide a thought-provoking exploration of the history of our species. Another excellent option is "Becoming" by Michelle Obama, a memoir that offers insights into the life of the former First Lady of the United States.

To further refine your search, you can use websites like Goodreads or Amazon. These platforms allow you to browse book categories, read summaries and reviews, and even get personalized recommendations based on your reading preferences. This way, you can find a non-fiction book that aligns with your interests and ensure a more enjoyable reading experience outside of your comfort zone.