U.S Supreme Court rules that federal law is unconstitutional because it violates American first amendment rights.

This is an example of ----- branch checking the ------- branch.

Is it judicial and legislative

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Yes, the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that a federal law is unconstitutional because it violates American first amendment rights is an example of the judicial branch checking the legislative branch.

The judicial branch, which includes the Supreme Court, has the power of judicial review. This means that they have the authority to review laws passed by the legislative branch (Congress) and determine if they are in line with the Constitution. If the Court finds that a law is unconstitutional, they can strike it down.

In this case, the Supreme Court is reviewing a federal law passed by Congress and determining whether it violates the First Amendment rights of American citizens. By ruling that the law is indeed unconstitutional, the Court is checking the actions of the legislative branch. This demonstrates the system of checks and balances in the U.S. government, where each branch has the ability to monitor and limit the powers of the others.

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