what keeps the "you" company in the poem The Journey by Mary Oliver?

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In the poem "The Journey" by Mary Oliver, the speaker is embarking on a personal and transformative journey. The poem does not specifically mention what keeps the speaker company, as the focus is more on self-discovery and stepping into the unknown. However, it is important to note that the poem encourages self-reliance and courage in finding one's path.

To engage with the poem and derive personal interpretations, you can analyze the imagery, symbolism, and themes within the poem. Consider the following elements:

1. Self-discovery: The journey described in the poem represents a quest for self-discovery and fulfillment. The speaker's company could be their own inner strength and resolve.

2. Solitude: The absence of direct companionship might suggest that the speaker relies on solitude to connect with their own thoughts and emotions.

3. Nature: Mary Oliver's works often explore the relationship between humans and nature. In "The Journey," the landscape and the presence of animals could serve as spiritual companions, providing solace and inspiration along the way.

4. Courage: The poem emphasizes the importance of bravery and taking risks to pursue personal growth. In this context, the speaker's company could be their own determination and willingness to face challenges head-on.

Ultimately, the interpretation of what keeps the "you" company in this poem is subjective and may vary depending on the reader's perspective and personal experiences. It is open to individual interpretation, inviting readers to reflect on their own journey and what provides them with support and companionship.