The administrator of the Life-Time Insurance Com¬pany HMO, Ms. Taylor, was anxious to solve poten-tial problems before their new clinic opened in Austin, Texas. In Buffalo, New York, where the original clinic is located, the pharmacy had been extremely busy from the beginning, and long waiting times for pre¬scriptions to be filled presented a very real problem.

To address potential problems at the new clinic in Austin, Ms. Taylor, the administrator of Life-Time Insurance Company HMO, wanted to learn from the experience at the original clinic in Buffalo, New York. One specific issue she wanted to avoid was the long waiting times for prescriptions to be filled at the pharmacy in Buffalo.

To find a solution, Ms. Taylor could consider several steps:

1. Analyze the current pharmacy operations in Buffalo: Ms. Taylor should gather data and statistics regarding the current pharmacy workflow in Buffalo. This might include metrics such as the average waiting time for prescription fulfillment, peak hours of activity, and customer feedback.

2. Identify the root causes: Once the data is collected, Ms. Taylor should identify the factors contributing to the long waiting times. This may involve observing the workflow, interviewing staff and customers, and considering possible bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the process.

3. Evaluate possible solutions: Based on the identified issues, Ms. Taylor should brainstorm potential solutions to address the waiting time problem. This might involve considering process improvements, such as optimizing inventory management, streamlining prescription verification procedures, or implementing technology-based solutions like automated prescription filling systems.

4. Consult with pharmacy staff and experts: Ms. Taylor should involve the pharmacy staff in the discussion to gather their input and insights. They may have valuable suggestions or experience from other healthcare facilities. Additionally, seeking expert advice from consultants or industry professionals could provide valuable insights and best practices.

5. Pilot test solutions: Before implementing any changes at the new clinic in Austin, Ms. Taylor could consider conducting a pilot test of the proposed solutions at the Buffalo clinic. This would allow her to assess the feasibility, effectiveness, and impact of the solutions on reducing waiting times.

6. Implement improvements: Once Ms. Taylor has finalized the solutions, she can roll out the changes at the new clinic in Austin. It's essential to communicate and train the staff on the new procedures and monitor their implementation closely.

7. Monitor and evaluate outcomes: After the changes are implemented, Ms. Taylor should continuously monitor the waiting times and gather feedback from both staff and customers. This will help her assess the effectiveness of the implemented improvements and make further adjustments if necessary.

By following these steps, Ms. Taylor can proactively address potential problems and work towards minimizing long waiting times for prescription fulfillment at the new clinic in Austin.