I have a couple of questions on an

assignment, that I need help with.

1. Rebecca is painting on an easel. She paints a blue sun with green clouds all around it. She is able to express
what kind of creative potential?

2. Steven is making pudding by following Mrs. Helms' directions. Steven is expressing what kind of
creative potential?

Would the answer to the first example be"maximum" and "minimum" to the second example? Please help, I AM CONFUSED!!

Yes. However both examples could be other answers, depending on the situation and other non-mentioned variables.

what do you mean? Please explain

What I mean is this: if Rebecca only had blue or green paint, it would hardly be accurate to describe her use of them as creative.
If Steven had general directions and had to fill in (What does stir mean? with what? how long?) details, this involves creativity.

In the first example, Rebecca painting a blue sun with green clouds all around it suggests that she has the maximum creative potential. This is because she is using her imagination and combining different elements in a unique way, expressing her creativity to the fullest extent.

On the other hand, in the second example, Steven making pudding by following Mrs. Helms' directions implies that he has minimum creative potential. This is because he is simply following a set of instructions without much room for personalization or creativity. He is not required to think outside the given guidelines or add his own ideas to the process.

It is worth mentioning that the answers could vary depending on additional information not provided in the examples. For example, if Rebecca only had access to blue and green colors and was limited by those options, her creative potential may be considered moderate rather than maximum. Similarly, if Steven had to interpret the instructions and make decisions based on his own preferences or available ingredients, his creative potential may be higher than minimum.

In summary, creative potential can vary based on the level of freedom, imagination, and personalization involved in the task. It is important to consider the specific circumstances and constraints to determine the appropriate level of creative potential in each situation.