Since I'm afraid of the heights, I usually -------- at the idea of sitting in the first row of the topmost balcony in a theater.



Since you are afraid of heights, you probably feel uneasy or uncomfortable at the idea of sitting in the first row of the topmost balcony in a theater. The first row of the topmost balcony is located at the highest point in the theater, so it would give you a clear view but also expose you to the greatest height.

To explain this further, theaters typically have multiple levels of seating, or balconies. The topmost balcony is usually the farthest from the stage and the highest point in the theater. Sitting in the first row of this balcony means you would be sitting closest to the edge and looking down at a greater height than other seats.

Your fear of heights, known as acrophobia, can be a common phobia. It typically involves feelings of anxiety, dizziness, or discomfort when exposed to heights or high places. It's important to listen to your own comfort level and avoid situations that trigger your fear.

If you prefer to avoid sitting in the first row of the topmost balcony, you may consider selecting seats in lower balconies, closer to the stage, or even on the ground floor. Choosing seats that are closer to the ground can help reduce your exposure to the height and make you feel more secure.

Additionally, some theaters offer seating charts or virtual seat previews on their websites. By checking these resources, you can visually explore the different sections and levels of the theater, allowing you to choose seats that feel more comfortable for you.