Calculate d energy of d 3rd level of an atom if d ground state energy is -24.8ev

E₃ = - E₁/n²= - 24.8/9 = - 2.76 eV

To calculate the energy of the third level of an atom, we need to use the formula:

E = E_ground + E_transition

E is the energy of the third level
E_ground is the ground state energy (-24.8 eV)
E_transition is the energy difference between the ground state and the third level

To find E_transition, we can use the formula:

E_transition = E_final - E_initial

E_final is the energy of the third level
E_initial is the ground state energy

Since the third level is higher in energy, we can assume E_final is greater than E_initial. Therefore:

E_transition = |E_final - E_initial|

Substituting the given values:

E_transition = |-24.8 eV - E_initial|

Now, we need to find E_initial, which represents the energy of the second level. In general, the energy of each level can be calculated using the formula:

En = -13.6 eV / n^2

En represents the energy of the nth level

Substituting n = 1 (ground state), we find:

E_initial = -13.6 eV / (1^2) = -13.6 eV

Substituting all the known values into the earlier equation:

E_transition = |-24.8 eV - (-13.6 eV)| = |-24.8 eV + 13.6 eV| = |-11.2 eV| = 11.2 eV

Finally, substituting the value of E_transition into the original equation:

E = E_ground + E_transition = -24.8 eV + 11.2 eV = -13.6 eV

Therefore, the energy of the third level of the atom is -13.6 eV.

To calculate the energy of the 3rd level of an atom, we need to determine the energy difference between the ground state and the 3rd level.

The energy levels of an atom can be calculated using the equation:

E = (-13.6 eV) * (Z^2 / n^2)

E is the energy of the electron level
Z is the atomic number (number of protons)
n is the principal quantum number

In this case, we are given the ground state energy (-24.8 eV). We can set that equal to the energy of the ground state of the atom:

E_ground = (-13.6 eV) * (Z^2 / n^2)

In the ground state, n = 1. Let's solve for Z:

-24.8 eV = (-13.6 eV) * (Z^2 / 1^2)

Z^2 = (-24.8 eV / -13.6 eV) * 1^2
Z^2 = 1.82

Taking the square root of both sides, we find:
Z = √(1.82)
Z ≈ 1.35

Now, let's calculate the energy of the 3rd level (n = 3):

E_3rd = (-13.6 eV) * (Z^2 / 3^2)
E_3rd = (-13.6 eV) * (1.35^2 / 9)
E_3rd ≈ -2.43 eV

Therefore, the energy of the 3rd level of the atom is approximately -2.43 eV.