<11{1[3(02)02]}> Catherine goes to her local movie theater only to see romantic comedies. Since Catherine did not go to the movies yesterday, there is not a romantic comedy playing at her local theater.

The reasoning above is flawed because the evidence (Points : 1)
does not suggest that Catherine goes to see every romantic comedy that plays at her local movie theater
implies that Catherine is uninterested in most types of movies
does not indicate whether Catherine watches only romantic comedies at home
suggests that Catherine’s local movie theater hardly ever shows romantic comedies

The reasoning above is flawed because it does not suggest that Catherine goes to see every romantic comedy that plays at her local movie theater. The fact that Catherine did not go to the movies yesterday does not necessarily mean that there is not a romantic comedy playing at her local theater. She could have chosen not to go for various reasons, such as being busy or not feeling like going to the movies that day. In order to determine whether there is a romantic comedy playing at her local theater, we would need more information, such as the current movie schedule or Catherine's movie preferences.