Suppose that you did not completely convert the hydrate to dehydrate compound. Explain how would this affect the calculated percent by mass of water in a compound.

%H2O = (mass H2O/total mass)*100 = ?

If all of the H2O is not driven out, then mass H2O is too small. How will a smaller numerator affect the calculated number?

aah.. ok thanks..

If the hydrate was not completely converted to the dehydrate compound, it means that there are still some water molecules present in the sample even after the conversion process. This would result in an inaccurate calculation of the percent by mass of water in the compound.

To calculate the percent by mass of water in a compound, you need to determine the mass of water and the total mass of the compound. However, if the hydrate was not fully converted, the mass of water obtained would be lower than the actual amount present in the original compound.

As a result, the calculated percent by mass of water would be lower than the true value. This is because the calculated percent is based on the assumption that all the water has been removed during the conversion process.

In order to obtain accurate results, it is crucial to ensure complete conversion of the hydrate to the dehydrate compound in the analysis.

If you did not completely convert the hydrate compound to the dehydrated form, it means that there would still be some water molecules remaining in the compound after the conversion process.

To determine the percent by mass of water in a compound, the basic principle is to measure the mass of water and divide it by the total mass of the compound. However, this calculation assumes that all the water present in the compound has been completely removed during the conversion process.

If there is still unconverted hydrate left in the compound, the measured mass of water would be lower than the actual amount present. This would lead to an underestimation of the percent by mass of water in the compound.

To avoid this error and obtain more accurate results, it is important to ensure that the conversion process is complete. This may involve applying the appropriate temperature or prolonged heating until the mass of the compound remains constant, indicating that all the water has been driven off.