In your industrial oven, you bake two cooking sheets with 12 scones each, two baking sheets with 20 cookies each, and one baking sheet with 2 scones and 10 cookies.

Yesterday the bakery earned $797.30 just from the sale of the cookis. Write and solve an equation that represents how many cookies were sold.

Total cookies baked = 2*20 + 10 = 50 cookies

50x = 797.30

x= $15.95/cookie... wow that's expensive!

Okay... this is actually the equation of how much each cookie cost and assuming that the bakery sold all 50 cookies. This is not how many cookies sold... I don't think it is possible to answer that question with the information given... maybe someone else can help.

To find out how many cookies were sold, let's break down the information given:

- Two baking sheets with 20 cookies each: 2 x 20 = 40 cookies
- One baking sheet with 2 scones and 10 cookies: 10 cookies

To find the total number of cookies sold, we add these two amounts together:

Total cookies sold = 40 cookies + 10 cookies = 50 cookies

Since the bakery earned $797.30 just from the sale of cookies, we can write and solve an equation to represent this:

Price per cookie x Total number of cookies sold = Total amount earned from cookies

Let's substitute the values:

Price per cookie x 50 cookies = $797.30

To solve for the price per cookie, divide both sides of the equation by 50:

Price per cookie = $797.30 / 50 ≈ $15.946

Therefore, the equation that represents how many cookies were sold is:

$15.946 x 50 = $797.30