What are the institutions/ community organisations that are involved in supporting or giving redress to teenage pregnancy in South Africa


To find the institutions or community organizations involved in supporting or giving redress to teenage pregnancy in South Africa, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct online research: Start by searching for information on organizations or institutions dedicated to addressing teenage pregnancy in South Africa. Use search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo to find relevant results.

2. Government agencies: Check the official websites of government departments or agencies responsible for health, youth development, and social services in South Africa. These may include the Department of Health, Department of Social Development, or Department of Basic Education. Look for information on their programs, initiatives, or partnerships related to teenage pregnancy.

3. Non-profit organizations: Look for non-profit organizations that focus on reproductive health, youth empowerment, or sexual education. A few examples include LoveLife, Soul City Institute, and Sonke Gender Justice. Explore their websites to gather information about their mission, initiatives, and available support for teenage pregnancy.

4. Community centers and clinics: Research local community centers, youth centers, or clinics in your specific area or region of South Africa. These organizations often provide support, counseling, educational programs, or healthcare services for teenagers facing issues related to pregnancy.

5. Consult with healthcare professionals: Speak with healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, or school counselors, who may have knowledge of local institutions or community organizations involved in addressing teenage pregnancy. They may have access to resources, programs, or support networks specifically tailored for teenagers.

Remember, the availability of institutions or community organizations may vary depending on your location in South Africa. It is best to look for resources specifically relevant to your community or area.