Los Angeles is about 385 miles from San Francisco. How far apart would the cities be on a map with a scale of 1 in.=100mi?

thanks fo giving the work and not the answer

I dont know if you being sarcastic, but if you mean it your very welcome!!!!

Cross multiply and solve for x.

1/100 = x/385

thanks fo giving the work and not the answer so we acually learn somthing

Is it 19.25 if it was 1 in = 20 mi?

Is a math question

To find out how far apart the cities would be on a map with a scale of 1 in. = 100 mi, you can use a simple calculation.

First, determine the distance between Los Angeles and San Francisco in real life, which is given as 385 miles.

Next, divide the real-life distance by the scale factor to find the distance on the map. In this case, the scale is 1 in. = 100 mi.

So, the calculation would be:

Distance on Map = Real-life Distance / Scale Factor

Distance on Map = 385 miles / 100 mi

Distance on Map = 3.85 inches

Therefore, Los Angeles and San Francisco would be approximately 3.85 inches apart on a map with a scale of 1 in. = 100 mi.