Stefan drove 558 in 9 hours. He then drove 120 miles in 3 hours. What was Stefan's average speed for the whole trip???

PLEASE HELP! Im in 3rd grade!

total distance = 558+120 = 678 miles

total time = 9 + 3 = 12 hours

average speed = total distance/total time = 56.5 miles/hrs.

To find Stefan's average speed for the whole trip, we need to calculate the total distance traveled and the total time taken.

First, let's calculate the total distance traveled:
Stefan drove 558 miles in the first 9 hours and then an additional 120 miles in the next 3 hours. So, the total distance traveled is 558 + 120 = 678 miles.

Now, let's calculate the total time taken:
Stefan drove for 9 hours in the first part of the trip and then an additional 3 hours. So, the total time taken is 9 + 3 = 12 hours.

Finally, we can calculate Stefan's average speed for the whole trip:
Average speed is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken.
So, Stefan's average speed is 678 miles / 12 hours = 56.5 miles per hour.

Therefore, Stefan's average speed for the whole trip was 56.5 miles per hour.