According to my experience, the easiest part of the writing process was the brainstorming, which allows me to outline a large numbers of ideas in order to find the best solution before starting the process. The most difficult part was finding the thesis statement, which is the part where your argument must be presented to the audience in a concise manner.

In this class, I have learned the following writing tools that are: how to conduct, plan and develop my research. Additionally, I have learned how to revise and edit my expository essay. As a result, all those techniques will help me throughout my academic years and business life. Revising my paper has taught me different ways to write more critically.

In essence, this knowledge will give me the ability to do my writing in a more professional and effective way.

This looks good, Rose.

The only correction is to omit "that are" in the second paragraph.

Thanks a lot.

That's great to hear that you have found the brainstorming process to be easy and helpful in outlining your ideas before starting the writing process. Brainstorming is indeed an important step in the writing process, as it allows you to generate a large number of ideas and possibilities that you can later choose from and develop in your essay.

On the other hand, I understand that finding a thesis statement can be challenging. The thesis statement is a crucial part of your essay as it presents your argument to the audience in a concise manner. To find a strong thesis statement, it's important to first have a clear understanding of your topic and main argument. You can start by brainstorming ideas for your essay and identifying the main point that you want to convey. Once you have a clear idea of your argument, you can then formulate it into a concise and specific sentence that will guide the rest of your essay.

In terms of the writing tools you have learned in your class, it's great that you have acquired skills in conducting, planning, and developing research. Research is an essential part of the writing process, as it provides you with the necessary information and evidence to support your argument. When conducting research, make sure to use reliable and credible sources to ensure the accuracy and validity of your information.

Additionally, learning how to revise and edit your expository essay is a valuable skill. Revising your paper allows you to critically analyze and refine your ideas, structure, and language to ensure clarity, coherence, and effectiveness in your writing. Editing helps you correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, enhancing the overall quality of your essay.

By applying these techniques and skills in your academic and professional writing, you will be able to produce more professional and effective pieces of writing. Practice and continued learning are key to further improving your writing abilities.