Solve. 10/3x + 4/3 = 7 + x/2x

A) x = 1/3
B) x = 17/5x
C) x = 1/5
D) x = 1/6

thinking it's A.. help?(:

help please lol.

It's C

Here is the work

10/3x + 4/3 = (7+x)/2x
Multiply both sides by 6x:
2*10 + 8x = 3(7+x)
20 + 8x = 21+3x
8x-3x = 21-20 = 1
5x = 1
X = 1/5.

To solve the equation 10/3x + 4/3 = 7 + x/2x, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the equation by getting rid of the denominators.
To do this, we can multiply all terms by the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators, which in this case is 6x.

(6x * 10/3x) + (6x * 4/3) = (6x * 7) + (6x * x/2x)

Simplifying gives us:
20 + 8x = 42x + 3x

Step 2: Combine like terms.
Combine the x terms on the right side of the equation:

20 + 8x = 45x

Step 3: Move all the variables to one side of the equation.
To do this, subtract 8x from both sides of the equation:

20 = 45x - 8x

Simplifying gives us:
20 = 37x

Step 4: Solve for x.
Divide both sides of the equation by 37:

20/37 = x

So the solution to the equation is x = 20/37.

None of the provided options (A, B, C, D) match the solution 20/37. Therefore, option A is not correct.