Does d =2/r relate4s to the measures of the diamter and radius of a circle?

or d= r/2 ?

I think the first one I said.

d =2/r is correct.

Thank you Ms. Sue your my favorite. You always help and explain if needed and are nice.


d = 2 * r

Ooops -- Damon is right. Where's my head???

Yes, the equation d = 2/r is a relationship between the measures of the diameter (d) and radius (r) of a circle. The equation states that the diameter is equal to twice the radius. In other words, if you know the value of the radius, you can find the diameter by multiplying it by 2. Conversely, if you know the value of the diameter, you can find the radius by dividing it by 2. So, the equation d = 2/r is correct in describing the relationship between the diameter and radius of a circle.