Write the product for the reaction when dichlorine oxide (Cl_2O) reacts with water (the product will have only one equivalent of chlorine in it).

I have come up with a product of HCl_2O^+ + )H^- But that wasn't correct neither was HClO^+ + OH^-

Cl2O + H2O ==> 2HOCl

The reaction between dichlorine oxide (Cl2O) and water (H2O) can be shown as follows:

Cl2O + H2O → HClO + HCl

The product of this reaction is hypochlorous acid (HClO) and hydrochloric acid (HCl).

To determine the product for the reaction between dichlorine oxide (Cl₂O) and water, we need to understand the chemical equation and the concept of balancing chemical equations.

The given reaction is:
Cl₂O + H₂O → ??

First, let's identify the elements and their respective oxidation states:

- In Cl₂O, chlorine (Cl) has an oxidation state of +1 (since oxygen has an oxidation state of -2, and the sum of oxidation states in a compound is zero).
- In H₂O, hydrogen (H) has an oxidation state of +1, and oxygen (O) has an oxidation state of -2.

Now, we balance the chemical equation by making sure that both sides have the same number of atoms of each element.

To balance the equation, we'll start by balancing the oxygen atoms. There are two oxygen atoms on the left (in Cl₂O) and three oxygen atoms on the right (in H₂O). Therefore, we need to add one more water molecule to the left side to balance the oxygen:

Cl₂O + H₂O → H₂O + ??

The chlorine atoms are already balanced with two on each side.

Now, let's balance the hydrogen atoms. There are two hydrogen atoms on the left side (in H₂O) and two hydrogen atoms on the right side (in H₂O). Therefore, the equation is now balanced:

Cl₂O + H₂O → H₂O + HClO

So, the product of the reaction between dichlorine oxide (Cl₂O) and water is one equivalent of water and one equivalent of hypochlorous acid (HClO), which has only one equivalent of chlorine in it.