how do you find simple interest and compound interest?

To find simple interest, you need three values: the principal amount (P), the interest rate (R), and the time period (T) in years. The formula to calculate simple interest is:

Simple Interest (SI) = (P * R * T) / 100

To find compound interest, you need the same three values: the principal amount (P), the interest rate (R), and the time period (T) in years. However, compound interest also takes into account the frequency of interest compounding, which could be annually, semi-annually, quarterly, monthly, etc. The formula to calculate compound interest is:

Compound Interest (CI) = P * (1 + R/n)^(n * T) − P

- P is the principal amount
- R is the interest rate (in decimal form)
- T is the time period in years
- n is the number of compounding periods per year

Here's how to calculate simple interest and compound interest step-by-step:

1. Simple Interest:
a. Determine the principal amount (P) - the initial amount of money.
b. Identify the interest rate (R) - either provided directly or as a percentage.
c. Determine the time period (T) - the duration for which the interest will be calculated.
d. Apply the formula: Simple Interest (SI) = (P * R * T) / 100
e. Plug in the values and calculate.

2. Compound Interest:
a. Determine the principal amount (P) - the initial amount of money.
b. Identify the interest rate (R) - either provided directly or as a percentage.
c. Determine the time period (T) - the duration for which the interest will be calculated.
d. Identify the number of compounding periods per year (n) - how often the interest is compounded.
e. Apply the formula: Compound Interest (CI) = P * (1 + R/n)^(n * T) − P
f. Plug in the values and calculate.

It's worth noting that there are also online calculators and software programs available that can perform these calculations automatically, saving you time and effort.