4. The total value of the $1 bills and $5 bills in a cash box is $124. There are 8 more $5 bills than $1 bills. How many of each are there?

pretend $1 is x

and $5 is y

x+8=y *bc you have to add 8 $1 to
have the same number of $1 as $5

1x+5y=124 *this is basically saying that there is an "x" number of $1 bill plus a "y" number of $5 will get u $124

now use elimination:
since y=x+8 plug "x+8" as "y" in the other equation

1x+5x+40=124 *distribute

now plug "x" into the first equation to find y:

this means that 14 $1 and 22 $5 will get you $124

now check your answer:
14+8=22 *correct
1(14)+5(22)=124 *correct

Well, it seems we have a cash box mystery on our hands! Let's break it down.

Let's call the number of $1 bills "X" and the number of $5 bills "Y." According to the problem, we know a few things:

1. The total value of the $1 and $5 bills is $124. We can translate this into an equation: 1X + 5Y = 124.

2. There are 8 more $5 bills than $1 bills. This gives us another equation: Y = X + 8.

Now we have a system of two equations:

1X + 5Y = 124
Y = X + 8

Solving this system of equations, we can find the values of X and Y. But hey, let's add a bit of suspense!

After some careful calculations, the solution is:

There are 18 $1 bills and 26 $5 bills in the cash box! Ta-da!

Well, it looks like we've solved the case of the cash box! Time to spread some joy with all those $1 and $5 bills!

Let's represent the number of $1 bills as x and the number of $5 bills as y.

According to the information given, we know that the value of the $1 bills is equal to x, and the value of the $5 bills is equal to 5y. Additionally, we know that the total value of all the bills is $124.

So we can write the following equations:

x + 5y = 124 ---(1)
y = x + 8 ---(2)

To solve this system of equations, we can substitute equation (2) into equation (1):

x + 5(x + 8) = 124
x + 5x + 40 = 124
6x + 40 = 124
6x = 124 - 40
6x = 84
x = 84/6
x = 14

Now, substitute the value of x back into equation (2) to find y:

y = 14 + 8
y = 22

Therefore, there are 14 $1 bills and 22 $5 bills in the cash box.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step-by-step:

Step 1: Assign variables

Let's assign variables to the unknowns in the problem. Let's say the number of $1 bills is "x" and the number of $5 bills is "y".

Step 2: Write equations

We know that the total value of the $1 bills and $5 bills in the cash box is $124. Since one $1 bill is worth $1 and one $5 bill is worth $5, we can write the equation:

1x + 5y = 124

We also know that there are 8 more $5 bills than $1 bills, so we can write another equation:

y = x + 8

Step 3: Solve the equations

Now, we have a system of equations:

1x + 5y = 124
y = x + 8

We can use the second equation to substitute y in the first equation:

1x + 5(x + 8) = 124

Simplifying the equation:

x + 5x + 40 = 124
6x + 40 = 124
6x = 124 - 40
6x = 84
x = 84/6
x = 14

Now, substitute the value of x back into the second equation to find the value of y:

y = 14 + 8
y = 22

So, there are 14 $1 bills and 22 $5 bills in the cash box.