Find the weight to the nearest kg, of the cement block. Cement weighs 1700 kg/m3.

12cm x 10cm and 40cm x 20 cm x 20cm.

To find the weight of the cement block, we need to calculate its volume and then multiply it by the density of cement.

First, let's calculate the volume of the cement block:

1. The larger dimensions of the block are given as 40cm x 20cm x 20cm. To find the volume, we multiply these three dimensions together:
40cm x 20cm x 20cm = 16,000 cm³

2. The smaller dimensions of the block are given as 12cm x 10cm. We need to multiply these two dimensions to calculate the volume of this part:
12cm x 10cm = 120 cm²

3. Now, we have to subtract the volume of the smaller part from the volume of the larger part to find the final volume of the cement block:
16,000 cm³ - 120 cm³ = 15,880 cm³

Next, let's calculate the weight of the cement block by multiplying its volume by the density of cement:

1. The density of cement is given as 1700 kg/m³. However, the volume of the block is currently in cm³, so we need to convert it to m³.
To convert cm³ to m³, divide the cm³ value by 1,000,000:
15,880 cm³ ÷ 1,000,000 = 0.01588 m³

2. Finally, we multiply the volume (in m³) by the density of cement (in kg/m³) to get the weight in kg:
0.01588 m³ x 1700 kg/m³ ≈ 26.972 kg

Therefore, the weight of the cement block is approximately 27 kg (rounded to the nearest kg).

V=L*W*h=0.4m * 0.2m * 0.2m 0.016 m^3

Wt. = 0.016m^3 * 1700kg/m^3 = 27 kg.