How would I solve this:

Mr. Merrill has 3 times as many nickels as dimes. The coins have a total of $1.50. How many of each coin does he have?

ooops, I misread question. Sorry

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's say the number of dimes Mr. Merrill has is represented by 'x'. Since he has 3 times as many nickels as dimes, the number of nickels he has would be 3x.

The value of a dime is $0.10, so the total value of the dimes would be 0.10x dollars. Similarly, the value of a nickel is $0.05, so the total value of the nickels would be 0.05 * (3x) = 0.15x dollars.

According to the problem, the total value of all the coins is $1.50. So we can write the equation:

0.10x + 0.15x = 1.50

Simplifying this equation, we get:

0.25x = 1.50

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 0.25 to solve for x:

x = 1.50 / 0.25 = 6

Therefore, Mr. Merrill has 6 dimes and 3 times that many nickels, which is 6 * 3 = 18 nickels.

n = 3d

5n + 10d = 150

Substitute 3d for n in second equation and solve for d. Insert that value into the first equation and solve for n. Check by inserting both values into the second equation.

d = number of dimes

3d = number of nickels
d + 3d = 1.50

simplify and solve the equation for d and 3d