The NSC-68 documentreflected the American Belief

A.)that military spending would help the ecomony
B.)that huge sacrifices would be needed by Americans to fight the cold war
C.)in our limitless capabilities
D.)that we needed help to fight the spread of communism
E.)in the futility of containment

To correctly answer this question, we need to analyze the NSC-68 document. NSC-68 was a confidential policy paper produced in 1950 by the United States National Security Council (NSC). It was a response to the increasing tension of the Cold War and provided the framework for American foreign policy during that time.

The NSC-68 document reflected several key beliefs of the American government. Let's evaluate each option to see which ones align with the document:

A.) That military spending would help the economy: The NSC-68 document did propose a significant increase in military spending. However, this choice does not fully capture the essence of the document and its beliefs.

B.) That huge sacrifices would be needed by Americans to fight the Cold War: The document did emphasize the need for substantial sacrifices by the American people to combat communism. This choice aligns with the beliefs reflected in NSC-68.

C.) In our limitless capabilities: While the document may have conveyed a sense of confidence in the United States' capabilities, it did not explicitly mention limitless capabilities. Therefore, this option does not match the beliefs expressed in NSC-68.

D.) That we needed help to fight the spread of communism: NSC-68 did acknowledge the necessity of international cooperation to counter the spread of communism. This idea is in line with the document's perspective.

E.) In the futility of containment: The document did not express any belief in the futility of containment. On the contrary, NSC-68 emphasized the significance of containment as a strategic approach in limiting the spread of communism.

Based on the evaluation of the options, the correct answer would be:

B.) That huge sacrifices would be needed by Americans to fight the Cold War

To truly understand the beliefs conveyed in the NSC-68 document and its context, it is recommended to read and analyze the document itself.