From your research on poultry farming,name one intensive and one extensive system of poultry keeping(farming).

To identify one intensive and one extensive system of poultry farming, we can start by understanding the key characteristics of each system:

1. Intensive Poultry Farming:
Intensive poultry farming involves keeping a large number of chickens in a confined space, typically a building or a series of buildings. This system focuses on maximizing production by controlling various aspects of the birds' environment, such as temperature, lighting, and feed. The birds are usually kept indoors and provided with artificial lighting, ventilation, and automated feeding systems. Intensive farming aims to achieve high productivity and efficiency through optimized conditions, disease control measures, and constant monitoring.

2. Extensive Poultry Farming:
In contrast to intensive farming, extensive poultry farming emphasizes a more natural and spacious environment for the birds. It involves allowing chickens to roam freely in open spaces, such as pastures or large outdoor areas, where they can graze and forage for food. The birds typically have access to daylight, fresh air, and a diversified diet based on natural resources, including insects, grass, and seeds. Extensive farming encourages more natural growth and behavior patterns for the chickens and is often associated with organic or free-range production.

Based on these descriptions, we can identify:

1. Intensive Poultry Farming: An example of intensive poultry farming would be a commercial broiler farm, where chickens are raised for meat production. In a broiler farm, large numbers of birds are housed inside temperature-controlled buildings, usually in densely populated conditions, and are grown quickly to reach market weight within a specific timeframe.

2. Extensive Poultry Farming: An example of extensive poultry farming is a free-range egg farm. In a free-range system, chickens are given access to outdoor areas during the day, where they can roam and exhibit natural behaviors, while also having access to indoor shelter for protection from predators and adverse weather conditions. The chickens are allowed to lay eggs in nest boxes, providing a more natural environment for egg-laying compared to confined cages.

Remember, there are variations within each system, and poultry farming practices can differ depending on geographical location, regulations, and individual farm management decisions.