If Earth is 149.6 million Kilometers from the sun, or 93 million miles away. suppose there was an imaginary road from earth to the sun. If you were in a car traveling 100 km an hour, it would take you 1,490,000 hours or just 170 years to reach the sun. If it took 170 years to drive from earth to the sun, how many years would it take to drive from Jupiter to the sun at the same speed. While Jupiter is 778.3 ,million km from the sun.

Please help me i have tried so hard to figure it out but I can't get it.

You can do it long way by converting 778.3 km to miles and calculating the time but I think a shorter way is to set up a proportion between earth/sun and jupiter/sun

170yrs to drive 149.6 km.
? yrs to drive 778.3 km.

The ratio would look like this
(170yrs/149.6 million km) = (?yrs/778.3 million km)
Cross multiply.
170yrs x 778.3 million km = 149.6 million km x ?
Solve for ?.
? = 170 x 778.3 million km/149.6 million km.
Check my thinking. Check my work carefully. You can ignore the million factor since it is in the numerator and denominator and cancels.

thank you for your help

But what is the answer?

To find out how many years it would take to drive from Jupiter to the sun at the same speed, we can use the same approach as with Earth.

We know that Earth is 149.6 million kilometers away from the sun, and it would take 170 years to drive that distance at a speed of 100 km/h.

Now, we need to calculate how long it would take to drive from Jupiter to the sun, which is 778.3 million kilometers away.

First, we can set up a proportion to compare the distances and travel times. Let's call the unknown time it would take to travel from Jupiter to the sun "T".

Earth distance/Sun distance = Earth travel time/T

(149.6 million km)/(93 million miles) = 170 years/T

To solve for T, we need to convert the Earth distance from kilometers to miles:

(149.6 million km)(0.621371 miles/km) = 93 million miles

Now we can substitute these values into the proportion:

(93 million miles)/(93 million miles) = 170 years/T

1 = 170 years/T

To solve for T, we can cross-multiply:

T = 170 years

Therefore, at the same speed of 100 km/h, it would take 170 years to drive from Jupiter to the sun.