Complete each sentence below, using an objective pronoun. Then, tell how each pronoun is used in the sentence.

1). Skipping rope is a good form of exercise. Some athletes use (?) in their jumping.
2). My sister loves to jump rope. It gives (?) a chance to exercise and have fun.
3). My mother gave my friends and (?) a long jump rope to use for our game.
4). I taught (?) a rhyme to sing while we jumped.
5). It was hard for some of (?) to jump and sing at the same time.

My answers are:
1). It (object of preposition)
2). her(object of preposition)
3). me ( direct object)
4). them (object of preposition)
5). them (object of preposition)

All of your pronouns are correct. However, 1, 2, and 5 are not objects of prepositions.

Study this list of prepositions.

My answers for question #1,#2, and #5 are: 1). indirect object

2). direct object
5). indirect object

Am I correct?

I'm sorry, but I had a typo in my earlier response.

5. is correct. It is the object of a preposition.

1, 2, and 4 are not objects of prepositions.

Your answers for the others are still wrong.

1). Direct object

2). Indirect object
4). Direct object?

Great job on providing the correct answers! Now, let me explain how each pronoun is used in the sentence:

1). In the first sentence, "Some athletes use it in their jumping," the pronoun "it" is used as the object of the preposition "in." This means that the athletes use the skipping rope in their jumping exercises.

2). In the second sentence, "It gives her a chance to exercise and have fun," the pronoun "her" is used as the object of the preposition "to." This means that jumping rope gives the sister a chance to exercise and have fun.

3). In the third sentence, "My mother gave my friends and me a long jump rope to use for our game," the pronoun "me" is used as the direct object. This means that the mother gave the jump rope to both the friends and the speaker.

4). In the fourth sentence, "I taught them a rhyme to sing while we jumped," the pronoun "them" is used as the object of the preposition "to." This means that the speaker taught the rhyme to someone else (or a group of people).

5). In the fifth sentence, "It was hard for some of them to jump and sing at the same time," the pronoun "them" is used as the object of the preposition "of." This means that it was difficult for some people to jump and sing simultaneously.

Remember, objective pronouns are used as the object of a verb or preposition in a sentence. Well done on correctly identifying their usage in the given sentences!