If you roll a number cube 36 times, how many times do you expect to roll an even number?

what is the theoretical probability that an even number will be rolled on a number cube?

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if you roll a number cube 54 times about how many times do you expect to roll a number???

To find out how many times you can expect to roll an even number when rolling a number cube 36 times, we need to determine the probability of rolling an even number on a single roll.

A standard number cube (also known as a fair, six-sided die) has 6 faces, numbered 1 through 6, with an equal probability of landing on each face. Out of these 6 faces, half are even numbers (2, 4, and 6). Therefore, the probability of rolling an even number on a single roll is 3/6 or 1/2.

Now, if you roll the number cube 36 times, each roll is an independent event, meaning the outcome of one roll doesn't affect the outcome of another. In such cases, we can use the expected value formula:

Expected Value = Number of Trials × Probability of Success

Therefore, the expected number of times you can expect to roll an even number when rolling the number cube 36 times is:

Expected Value = 36 (number of trials) × 1/2 (probability of rolling an even number on a single roll)
Expected Value = 18

So, you can expect to roll an even number approximately 18 times when rolling the number cube 36 times.