The time needed for a water wave to change from the equilibrium level to the crest is 0.4185 s.

What fraction of a wavelength is this?

What is the period of the wave? Answer in units of s.

What is the frequency of the wave? Answer in units of Hz

To determine the fraction of a wavelength, we need to understand that the time it takes for a wave to complete one full cycle is equal to its period.

Given that the time needed for the wave to change from the equilibrium level to the crest is 0.4185 s, we can say that this is equal to half a period of the wave.

1. Fraction of a wavelength: Since the time is half a period, the fraction of a wavelength is equal to 1/2 or 0.5.

To find the period of the wave, we need to double the time it takes to go from the equilibrium level to the crest.

2. Period: 2 * 0.4185 s = 0.837 s

To find the frequency of the wave, we can use the formula:

frequency (f) = 1 / period (T)

3. Frequency: f = 1 / 0.837 s = 1.194 Hz

So, the fraction of a wavelength is 0.5, the period is 0.837 seconds, and the frequency is 1.194 Hz.

To determine the fraction of a wavelength, we need to know the speed of the wave. Let's assume the speed of the wave is v.

The time it takes for a wave to propagate through one wavelength is called the period (T). We can calculate the period using the formula:

T = time for one full wavelength

Given that the time needed for a water wave to change from the equilibrium level to the crest is 0.4185 s, we can say that this time corresponds to half of a wavelength (since it starts from the equilibrium level to the crest).

So, the period (T) is twice the time needed for a water wave to change from the equilibrium level to the crest:

T = 2 * 0.4185 s
T = 0.837 s

The period (T) is the time it takes for the wave to complete one full cycle, given in units of seconds (s).

The frequency (f) of a wave is the reciprocal of the period. We can calculate the frequency using the formula:

f = 1 / T

where T is the period.

Substituting the value we found for the period:

f = 1 / 0.837 s
f ≈ 1.195 Hz

So, the frequency of the wave is approximately 1.195 Hz.