A multi-party system

tends to produce a stable government.
helps one party win the support of a majority of voters.
is composed of parties with special interests.
promotes the ideological consensus of the public.

What do you think?


The correct answer to this question is c. A multi-party system is composed of parties with special interests.

To understand why c is the correct answer, let's break down the other options:

a. Tends to produce a stable government: While it is true that a multi-party system can potentially lead to a stable government, this is not always the case. In a multi-party system, it can be challenging for a single party to secure a majority and form a stable government. Coalition governments, where multiple parties come together to form a majority, are often seen in multi-party systems. However, the stability of such governments depends on the ability of the parties to work together effectively.

b. Helps one party win the support of a majority of voters: In a multi-party system, it is challenging for a single party to win the support of a majority of voters. Instead, parties compete for votes, and it is common for governments to be formed through coalitions or alliances of multiple parties.

d. Promotes the ideological consensus of the public: It is not accurate to say that a multi-party system promotes the ideological consensus of the public. In fact, the presence of multiple parties often reflects the existence of diverse ideological perspectives within the society. Each party represents a specific set of values, interests, and ideologies, catering to different segments of the population.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. A multi-party system is composed of parties with special interests, as these parties represent specific groups or ideologies that may have specific concerns or policy priorities.