Suppose you do not know the enthalpy of decomposition of the process:

CaCO3 = CaO + CO2
Explain in terms of thermodynamic parameters why heating to a high temperature might turn this decomposition to a spontaneous process.

Since a solid is forming a gas, the dS will increase.

dStotal = dSsys + dSsurroundings.
dSsurrounds = -dH/T
As T increases, dS surroundings becomes less; therefore, at some point T will be high enough for the reaction to become spontaneous.

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To explain why heating to a high temperature might turn the decomposition of CaCO3 to a spontaneous process, we can consider the thermodynamic parameters involved: enthalpy (ΔH), entropy (ΔS), and temperature (T).

First, let's understand what a spontaneous process is. A spontaneous process is one that occurs without requiring external intervention, meaning it happens naturally without any additional input of energy.

In the given equation, CaCO3 decomposes into CaO and CO2. To determine the spontaneity of this reaction, we can look at the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG), which is given by the equation:


Now, let's consider the effect of temperature on this decomposition process.

1. Enthalpy (ΔH):
The enthalpy change of a reaction represents the heat energy absorbed or released during the reaction. In this case, the enthalpy of decomposition of CaCO3 to CaO and CO2 is unknown. However, if the heating process increases the reaction's enthalpy, it implies that heat is being absorbed from the surroundings, making the reaction less likely to be spontaneous.

2. Entropy (ΔS):
Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. Generally, the increase in entropy favors spontaneous processes. When CaCO3 decomposes into CaO and CO2, there is an increase in the number of moles, leading to an increase in the overall entropy. The CO2 gas has a higher entropy than the solid CaCO3, which contributes to the overall increase in entropy.

3. Temperature (T):
The temperature is a critical factor in determining spontaneity. As per the equation ΔG = ΔH - TΔS, the temperature directly affects the spontaneity of a reaction. When the temperature is higher, the TΔS term becomes more significant. If the TΔS term exceeds the ΔH term, then the ΔG value becomes negative, making the reaction spontaneous.

Based on the discussion above, heating the CaCO3 to a high temperature allows for an increase in entropy, leading to a favorable ΔS term. If the increase in entropy outweighs the enthalpy increase (ΔH), the overall Gibbs free energy change (ΔG) becomes negative, indicating that the process becomes spontaneous. Therefore, heating to a high temperature may turn the decomposition of CaCO3 into a spontaneous process.

To explain why heating CaCO3 to a high temperature might turn its decomposition into a spontaneous process, we need to consider the thermodynamic parameters involved in the reaction. Specifically, we'll focus on the change in enthalpy (ΔH) and the change in entropy (ΔS).

First, let's understand the concept of spontaneity in a chemical reaction. A reaction is spontaneous if it occurs on its own, without requiring continuous external intervention. In thermodynamics, the spontaneity of a reaction is determined by the free energy change (ΔG) of the system.

The relationship between ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS is given by the equation:

ΔG represents the change in Gibbs free energy, ΔH is the change in enthalpy, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and ΔS is the change in entropy.

Now, let's consider the decomposition of CaCO3 into CaO and CO2:
CaCO3 = CaO + CO2

When heating CaCO3, we are increasing the temperature (T). If we assume that the decomposition reaction is in an isolated system (no external pressure or temperature changes), the overall ΔG of the reaction will determine its spontaneity.

As we increase the temperature, the term -TΔS will have a more significant effect on the value of ΔG. Since ΔS for the formation of two gaseous molecules from a solid is generally positive, the ΔS term will become more negative with increasing temperature.

According to the equation ΔG = ΔH - TΔS, if ΔS becomes more negative while ΔH remains constant, the overall ΔG will become more negative. A negative ΔG indicates a spontaneous reaction.

In the case of heating CaCO3, increasing the temperature will cause ΔS to contribute more significantly to the overall free energy change (ΔG). If the increase in entropy (ΔS) outweighs any increase in enthalpy (ΔH), the reaction will become more spontaneous. This means that the decomposition of CaCO3 into CaO and CO2 will be favored at higher temperatures.

In summary, when heating CaCO3 to a high temperature, the increase in entropy (ΔS) associated with the formation of gaseous molecules will likely dominate over the change in enthalpy (ΔH), resulting in a more negative ΔG and a spontaneous decomposition reaction.