If KHP sample 1 requires 22.47 mL of aqueous NaOH, how many milliliters of NaOH should be needed for samples 2 and 3?

How much KHP is in samples 2 and 3?

%KHP = (mL x M x mmolar mass/mass sample)
You know mL NaOH, M NaOH, millimolar mass KHP is 0.20422; solve for %KHP. Then substitute %KHP and new mass of samples 2 and 3 and solve for mL NaOH.

To determine the number of milliliters (mL) of NaOH needed for samples 2 and 3, we need more information. The amount of NaOH needed will depend on the concentration of NaOH solution used and the stoichiometry of the reaction. Do you have any additional details?