pedro and maria spend the same amount of time driving to school. pedr average is 50 mph and maria's average is 30 mph. pedro drives 10 miles farther than maria, how long does each drive to school?



but p=10+M

solve for time

To find out how long Pedro and Maria drive to school, we need to divide the distance traveled by the average speed.

Let's assume the time taken by Pedro to drive to school is T hours.

We know that Pedro's average speed is 50 mph, so the distance he travels can be calculated as:
Distance = Speed * Time
Distance = 50 mph * T hours
Distance = 50T miles

Similarly, let's assume the time taken by Maria to drive to school is also T hours.

We know that Maria's average speed is 30 mph, so the distance she travels can be calculated as:
Distance = Speed * Time
Distance = 30 mph * T hours
Distance = 30T miles

Pedro drives 10 miles farther than Maria, so we can form an equation:
50T = 30T + 10

Subtracting 30T from both sides, we get:
20T = 10

Dividing both sides by 20, we get:
T = 0.5

Therefore, each of them drives to school for 0.5 hours or 30 minutes.