A mountain climber on Mt. Everest is at 29,035 feet above sea level. A stone at the bottom of the Dead Sea is at 1,349 ft below sea level. What is the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone?

To find the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone, you need to calculate their relative heights from sea level and then subtract the two values.

The height of the mountain climber above sea level is given as 29,035 feet. The height of the stone below sea level is given as 1,349 feet.

To calculate the difference, subtract the height of the stone below sea level from the height of the mountain climber above sea level:

Difference = Height of the mountain climber above sea level - Height of the stone below sea level

Difference = 29,035 ft - (-1,349 ft)

To subtract a negative value, you can think of it as adding its positive equivalent:

Difference = 29,035 ft + 1,349 ft

Now, simply add the two values together:

Difference = 30,384 ft

Therefore, the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone is 30,384 feet.

Okay Yea I know ur idiotic cuz this is wayyy to easyyy