----------revivalist of the great Awakening.Younger,less prosperous,wanted predestination,no denominations,believed man was sinful and in a return to old religious ways.

is any of these
1-Jonathan Edwards
2-George Whitefield

Which one was younger and less prosperous?

2-George Whitefield


Based on the provided information, the individual that matches the description is Jonathan Edwards. To arrive at this answer, let's break down each option and assess how well it aligns with the given criteria:

1. Jonathan Edwards: Edwards was a key figure in the Great Awakening, a revivalist movement in the 18th century. He was younger and less prosperous than some of his contemporaries, such as George Whitefield. Edwards focused on the concept of predestination, emphasizing that God had already chosen who would be saved. He advocated for a return to old religious ways and believed that man was inherently sinful.

2. George Whitefield: While Whitefield was also a prominent figure in the Great Awakening, the given description does not match his beliefs entirely. Whitefield was known for his powerful preaching and ability to captivate large crowds. However, he did not specifically emphasize predestination or reject denominations. Instead, he aimed to unite different Christian groups to work together for religious revival.

Thus, the correct answer based on the provided information is option 1, Jonathan Edwards.