
The president invited Senator Smith to the White House for a meeting before preparing his address to the United States congress.
3.Which of the following is an error in capitalization in the sentence above?

  The word "president" should be capitalized
. The word "Senator" should be lower case
. The word "House" should be lower case
. The word "congress" should be capitalized

There is not unanimous agreement about this question. However, the biggest error is that Congress must be capitalized.

Some grammarians would also capitalize President since it refers to the U.S. president.

Thank you, that is what was confusing me.

Singing is my favorite

The error in capitalization in the sentence above is that the word "House" should be lowercase. In general, common nouns like "house" should be lowercase unless they are part of a proper noun or being used as a title. In this case, "White House" is a proper noun referring to the specific building where the President resides, so it should be capitalized. However, when the word "house" is used alone, it is not part of a proper noun and should be lowercase.