Light is absorbed when it passes through a glass window. If r% of light is absorbed by a glass with thickness w , then the percent of light that is absorbed by a piece of glass with a thickness nw of for any natural number n is modeled by the following function:

A(n) = 100 [1 - (1 - r/100)^n], f or 0 _< r _< 100

a. Show that is an increasing function of n if 0 < r < 100.

b. Sketch the graph of A when r = 10.

c. Evaluate limn�¨�‡ A(n) and interpret the results.

To prove that A(n) is an increasing function of n for 0 < r < 100, we need to show that the difference A(n+1) - A(n) is greater than or equal to zero.

a. Calculating A(n+1) - A(n):

A(n+1) - A(n) = 100[(1 - (1 - r/100)^(n+1)) - (1 - (r/100)^n)]

Expanding the brackets:

A(n+1) - A(n) = 100 [1 - (1 - r/100)^(n+1) - 1 + (r/100)^n]

Simplifying further:

A(n+1) - A(n) = 100 [-(1 - r/100)^(n+1) + (r/100)^n]

Now, we need to prove that this expression is greater than or equal to zero.

Considering that 0 < r < 100, 0 < r/100 < 1.

For any value of x between 0 and 1, (1 - x) is always positive.

Therefore, (1 - r/100) is positive, and for any natural number n, (1 - r/100)^(n+1) is also positive.

Additionally, (r/100)^n is positive since r/100 is between 0 and 1.

So, -(1 - r/100)^(n+1) + (r/100)^n is a difference of two positive values, which means it is greater than or equal to zero.

Hence, A(n+1) - A(n) is greater than or equal to zero for 0 < r < 100.

Therefore, A(n) is an increasing function of n.

b. To sketch the graph of A when r = 10, we need to substitute this value into the equation A(n) = 100 [1 - (1 - r/100)^n].

A(n) = 100 [1 - (1 - 10/100)^n]
= 100 [1 - (1 - 0.1)^n]
= 100 [1 - 0.9^n]

Plotting the graph on a coordinate plane with n on the x-axis and A(n) on the y-axis, we will see a continuous increasing curve starting from A(0) = 0 and approaching 100 as n increases.

c. Taking the limit as n approaches infinity (lim n�¨�‡ A(n)), we can interpret the results.

lim n�¨�‡ A(n) = lim n�¨�‡ 100 [1 - (1 - r/100)^n]

When n approaches infinity, (1 - r/100)^n approaches zero since the base is less than 1.

So, the expression becomes:

lim n�¨�‡ A(n) = 100 [1 - 0] = 100

The interpretation of this result is that as the thickness of the glass increases without bounds, the percentage of light absorbed by the glass also approaches 100%.