Discuss the society in Brave New World as a utopia.

What should i make my thesis be???

Please help im so lost.

Have you read the book? Is the society in Brave New World a utopia?

This site has some great information about thesis statements.


This site will also help you.


I have already visited those sites... I have read the book and it is a utopia.

I just want a excellent thesis:( but i just cant think of one. Please help me if u can.

Is it a utopia or a dystopia?

Its a utopia as i saiid above

Why don't you make that your thesis? Brave New World's society is a utopia, not a dystopia.

When forming a thesis statement to discuss the society in "Brave New World" as a utopia, it is important to consider the overall characteristics and elements that define a utopian society. In the case of Aldous Huxley's dystopian novel, the seemingly flawless society depicted in "Brave New World" may appear as a utopia at first glance due to its advanced technology, absence of disease or poverty, and the elimination of societal conflict. However, upon closer analysis, the controlling and oppressive nature of this society becomes evident, challenging the notion of it being a true utopia.

To develop your thesis statement, consider focusing on the deceptive nature of the society in "Brave New World" and how it manipulates and suppresses the very essence of humanity. You might consider exploring the following points:

1. The loss of individuality and personal freedom: In the World State, individuality is sacrificed for conformity and stability. Citizens are bred and conditioned to fit specific social roles, resulting in a lack of personal identity and freedom of choice.

2. The suppression of emotions and natural human instincts: The society in "Brave New World" regards emotions and natural human desires as disruptive and dangerous. Through the use of soma and conditioning, citizens are conditioned to numb their emotions and suppress their innate desires, ultimately leading to a loss of authenticity and genuine human experience.

3. The absence of true human connections: Relationships and emotional connections are minimised and discouraged in the World State. The focus is instead on casual sexual encounters that lack depth and meaning, resulting in a shallow and superficial society lacking genuine connections and emotional intimacy.

4. The manipulation of knowledge and history: The ruling class in "Brave New World" maintains control by manipulating history and knowledge. The society deliberately omits certain historical events, restricts access to information, and conditions its citizens to accept the prescribed version of reality without question.

Remember, a strong thesis statement sets the foundation for your essay, so make sure it clearly expresses your position on the society portrayed in "Brave New World" as a utopia while also hinting at the arguments and evidence you will present to support that viewpoint.