It takes approximately 15 minutes to code one record. How many personnel hours would be needed to code 1,424 discharges for the month?

How do records relate to discharges?

1 discharge = 1 record

To calculate the number of personnel hours needed to code 1,424 discharges for the month, you need to multiply the time it takes to code one discharge by the total number of discharges.

In this case, it takes approximately 15 minutes to code one discharge. Therefore, the number of personnel hours needed to code one discharge is 15 minutes divided by 60 minutes (to convert it to hours), which is 0.25 hours.

Now, to find the total personnel hours needed to code 1,424 discharges, multiply the number of discharges by the time it takes to code one discharge:

1,424 discharges * 0.25 hours = 356 personnel hours.

So, approximately 356 personnel hours would be needed to code 1,424 discharges for the month.