Please explain regular and irregular verb in this sentence below:

. John has become a rather good actor

The verb is has become.

HAS is the helping (or auxiliary verb) and its principal parts are have, has, had. BECOME is the main verb and its parts are become, became, has become.

Both has and become are irregular.

In the sentence "John has become a rather good actor," we can identify both regular and irregular verbs.

1. Regular Verb: In this sentence, the regular verb is "become." Regular verbs follow a consistent pattern in their conjugation, where they add "-ed" to the base form to create past tense and the past participle forms. For example:
- Base form: become
- Past tense: became
- Past participle: become

2. Irregular Verb: The irregular verb in this sentence is "has." Irregular verbs do not follow the typical "-ed" pattern in their conjugation. Instead, they have unique forms for the past tense and past participle. In this case, "has" is the third-person singular present tense form of the irregular verb "have." Its past tense form is "had," and the past participle form is also "had."

To summarize, the regular verb "become" follows a consistent pattern for its conjugation, while the irregular verb "has" (from the irregular verb "have") has unique forms for different tenses.