A 40 kg child stand on one end of a 70 kg canoe hat is 4 m in length. The boat is initially 3 m from a dock. The child notcies a turtle on a arock near the far en of the canoe so she proceeds to walk to the far ed off the canoe o get the turtle. a) neglecting any friction, where is the kid relative to the dock hen she reaches the far end of the canoe....b)will she reach the turtle (assuming she can reach 1 m outside the canoe)?

The answer is 7m for the first one and B is yes she will

How are you in sixth grade and doing these questions?! You must be really smart!

I don't know why that just happened?!

If you need me to show you how i can

yes would you be able to show me?

To answer these questions, we need to consider the conservation of momentum. The total momentum of the system (child + canoe) should remain constant.

a) Neglecting any friction, let's calculate the initial and final momenta of the system:

Before the child moves:
Initial momentum = (mass of child) * (velocity of child) + (mass of canoe) * (velocity of canoe)

Since the child and the canoe are initially at rest, the initial momentum is zero.

After the child moves:
Final momentum = (mass of child) * (velocity of child) + (mass of canoe) * (velocity of canoe)

Since the child moves towards the far end of the canoe, both the child and the canoe will move in the opposite direction to conserve momentum.

According to the conservation of momentum equation:
Initial momentum = Final momentum

Since the initial momentum is zero, the final momentum of the system should also be zero:

0 = (mass of child) * (velocity of child) + (mass of canoe) * (velocity of canoe)

Given that the mass of the child is 40 kg and the mass of the canoe is 70 kg, we can solve for the velocity of the canoe:

0 = (40 kg) * (velocity of child) + (70 kg) * (velocity of canoe)

Assuming the velocity of the child is v and the velocity of the canoe is -v (opposite direction), we get:

0 = (40 kg) * v + (70 kg) * (-v)

Simplifying the equation, we find:

0 = -30v

This equation implies that the velocity of the canoe (in the opposite direction of the child) is zero. Therefore, the canoe remains at rest relative to the dock when the child reaches the far end of the canoe.

b) If the child can reach 1 meter outside the canoe, we need to find out if the turtle is within that range. Since the length of the canoe is 4 meters, the turtle will be within reach if it is within 4 + 1 = 5 meters from the dock.

Given that the canoe is initially 3 meters from the dock, the turtle will be within reach if it is within 5 - 3 = 2 meters from the far end of the canoe. If the turtle is located within this range, the child will be able to reach it.