Is this right...

Square root X+6 - Square root X =Square root 2.

I did X+6 = (Square root 2+Square root X )(Square root 2+Square root X ).

Then I did X+4=2 Square root 2+X. THEN i GOT 2. IS THAT RIGHT??

no, if you try x=2 in your starting equation it will not work.

X+6 = (Square root 2+Square root X )(Square root 2+Square root X ) was right

x+6 = 2 + 4√x + x
4 = 4√x
1 = √x
x = 1

try it in the original question

√8 - √2
= 2√2 - √2
= √2
= right side

thanks reiny, you are very smart!

Let's break down your solution and determine if it is correct.

Step 1: You started by square rooting both sides of the equation:
√(X+6) - √X = √2

This is the correct step.

Step 2: You squared both sides of the equation:
(X+6) = (√2 + √X) (√2 + √X)

This is also correct. Squaring both sides allows you to eliminate the square roots.

Step 3: You simplified the right side of the equation:
(X+6) = (2 + 2√2√X + X)

This is correct. When multiplying two square root terms (√2 and √X), you multiply the coefficients (2 and X) and the square roots (√2 and √X), resulting in 2√2√X.

Step 4: You simplified the equation further:
X+6 = 2 + 2√2√X + X

Here, you correctly combined like terms on both sides of the equation.

Step 5: You subtracted X from both sides of the equation:
6 = 2 + 2√2√X

This step is correct.

However, when you said you got 2, it seems you may have made an error in your calculations. Let's continue to solve the equation:

Step 6: You subtracted 2 from both sides of the equation:
6 - 2 = 2√2√X

This simplifies to: 4 = 2√2√X

Step 7: You divided both sides of the equation by 2:
4/2 = √2√X

This simplifies to: 2 = √2√X

Step 8: You squared both sides of the equation again to eliminate the square root:
(2)^2 = (√2√X)^2

This simplifies to: 4 = 2√X

Step 9: You divided both sides of the equation by 2:
4/2 = √X

This simplifies to: 2 = √X

Step 10: You squared both sides of the equation once more:
(2)^2 = (√X)^2

This simplifies to: 4 = X

So the final solution is X = 4. Therefore, your initial answer of X = 2 was incorrect. The correct solution is X = 4.