Once they arrived in the United States, immigrants experienced a life very different from what they imagined. Which was not something that was most immediately part of their experience? (Points : 1)

Labor scams
Low skilled work
Religious tolerance

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Religious tolerance

To identify which of the options was not something that was most immediately part of the immigrants' experience upon arriving in the United States, let's examine each option one by one:

1) Labor scams: To determine if labor scams were part of the immigrants' experience, you can research primary and secondary sources such as historical records, personal accounts, newspaper articles, or academic studies. These sources can provide insights into the work conditions and potential exploitative practices faced by immigrants.

2) Low skilled work: To determine if low skilled work was part of the immigrants' experience, you can again consult historical records, personal accounts, and academic studies that focus on the type of work available to immigrants during that time period. This research will help you understand the types of jobs that were commonly held by immigrants and the level of skill required.

3) Religious tolerance: To determine if religious tolerance was part of the immigrants' experience, you can explore historical records, personal accounts, and relevant articles that discuss the treatment of different religious groups in the United States. This research can shed light on whether immigrants faced discrimination or enjoyed religious freedom upon arrival.

4) Assimilation: To determine if assimilation was part of the immigrants' experience, you can study historical and sociological research about the process of immigrants adapting to the culture, language, and customs of their new country. This research can provide insights into whether immigrants were expected or encouraged to assimilate into American society.

After conducting research on each option, you can compare the findings with the question statement. The option that does not align with the immigrants' immediate experience upon arrival in the United States would be the answer to your question.